Python is the most popular computer programming language. It is easy to read and write, just like our English language. You can learn Python to create fascinating computer programs in fields like:
Artificial intelligence (chatbots)
Machine learning (neural networks)
Website and app development (YouTube, Netflix use Python)
Data science and analysis (weather forecasting)
Game development and much more

Python Fundamentals
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Interactive Coding Jupyter Notebook
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We will use an interactive web-based tool to write and run our Python programs without installation.
My First Python Program
Let’s write our very first program:
print("Hello, world")
You can execute this program by pressing shift and enter (Windows) or shift and return (Mac). Or by just clicking the little triangle ▶︎.
You will get this output:
Hello, world
How it works?
Congratulations 🎊🎊 on completing your very first program in Python!
Now as we write and run this program let’s see what’s going on underneath:
print(“Hello, world”)
print() function intimates Python to display upcoming thing
It checks for parentheses ()
Checks for double quotation marks “”
Finally, it prints what’s inside
You can use either double “” or single ‘’ quotation marks to print words or sentences.
Print Lab
In this print() visualisation lab, try typing some text like "I am learning Python" and press Run. See how the argument is passed into the function and displays the result. It won’t handle math operations—use the notebook for that. This demo is just to visualise how print() works with strings.
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Quiz (Pilot, AI-Generated)
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The boiling point of water is
option 1
option 2
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option 4
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Test (Pilot, AI-Monitored)
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My AI Lab is built with the following tools and resources:
OpenAI API: Powered Ved, personalised quizzes, and learning feedback.
ChatGPT: Utilised for designing and coding the AI Lab functionalities, including adaptive tutoring and lab simulations.
See more at Python documentation.
Thank you for learning!